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Wellness forum March edition: Transformational leadership

The guest speaker for this month's wellness forum was Mr. Martin Ochieng, Group MD, Sasini PLC on Transformational Leadership.

The forum was organized and coordinated by Dr. Diana Ondieki (Lecturer), assisted by Dr. Eglay Nyakoa (Postgraduate - Mmed Obstetrics and Gynaecology student - The University of Nairobi) and Senior ICT Officer - Mr. Humphrey Misigo (The University of Nairobi - FHS) for organizing zoom meeting link and recording.

Obs/Gyn- UoN Residents laparoscopic training

On 17th January 2023, Obs/Gyn- UoN residents interacted /learned from John Hopkins University staff at the KNH theatre laparoscopic dry lab. The University of John Hopkins is developing a laparoscopic training application using a mobile telephone camera and an effective inexpensive pelvic trainer (expected cost USD 180). Dr. Odende, Dr. Owiti and Dr. Gichuhi Wanyoike had a meeting with the John Hopkins team and agreed on having a  collaboration between KNH, UoN and John Hopkins on laparoscopic training.