Inaugural UoN Alumni Walk

June 8, 8:00 am

The Chancellorโ€™s Court, UoN Main Campus


The Chancellorโ€™s Court, UoN Main Campus

Dear all,

The Inaugural UoN Alumni Association Walk is finally here! Be part of the team participating in this noble activity that is aimed at raising resources to support the UoN Alumni Association Scholarship Fund for needy students of the University of Nairobi. The Walk will also present opportunities to interact and create valuable networks.ย Join us this Saturday 8th June 2024ย from 8:00 a.m. at the Chancellorโ€™s Court, UoN Main Campus.

ย Let's walk together and make every step count towards a brighter future.ย Toย register orย sponsorย students,ย dial *487*28# or Pay bill 826300 Acc No. Walk