The physical infrastructure: The classes, boardroom, teaching laboratories, library, skills laboratory, lecture theatres 1 & 2, computer rooms, research laboratories.

Clinical space:  The students do their clinical rotation in the Kenyatta National Hospital. The Hospital has three antenatal wards each with a bed capacity of 30 beds, one ward with thirty beds, an oncology ward with thirty beds and a labour ward with similar number of beds. The department also runs antenatal and clinics are conducted every four days a week, postnatal clinic and separate family planning clinic is conducted five days a week.

The department also runs five theatres, two attached to the labour ward, one emergency theatre,
one elective and one special theatre to perform fistula, laparoscopy and other specialized services.

The department benefits from the skills laboratory at the College of Health Sciences,
lecture theatres and the college library. The department also benefits from the ICT centre and the
training studio in the college.

Pathology laboratories, ( Human Anatomy laboratory, Surgical skills laboratory –Department of Human Anatomy University of Nairobi), (Gynaecologic Oncology Clinics, theatres and wards - Kenyatta National Hospital), (Radiology facilities, Radiotherapy Unit, Palliative care centre  - Kenyatta National Hospital).

Teaching aids: Computers, projectors, mannequins for Obstetrics and Gynaecology simulation 




Physical Resource Category